Attitude influences Behavior


ttitude Influences Behavior

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

One reason my attitudes are so important is that they affect my actions—that is, my behavior and words. If I have a pessimistic, defeatist, negative attitude, it will be expressed in negative words and behavior. The reality is that I may not be able to control my environment. Perhaps I have experienced such difficulties as sickness, an alcoholic spouse, a teenager on drugs, a mother who abandoned me, a father who abused me, a spouse who is irresponsible, aging parents, and so on. Any one of those situations can be overwhelming.

But it’s crucial to realize that I am responsible for what I do within my environment. And my attitude will greatly influence my behavior

Source Love Devotional

Deacon Lemuel Royal James and Drzee’s Good News Ministry☺🎃🎊🎉🍀🍂🌿🙏

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